Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

The benefits of mouthwash

32 Gems Dental Clinic(Regd.)

The benefits of mouthwash:-

sometimes referred to as mouth rinse, include the ability to freshen one's breath, kill bacteria that may contribute to tooth decay and gum disease, and loosen debris on and between teeth. In some cases, a mouthwash may also be formulated to provide additional benefits, such as tooth whitening. It should be noted that the benefits of mouthwash vary according to its formulations. Some mouthwashes primarily act to freshen breath and may not include the ingredients needed to protect a person's teeth and gums. Those who are concerned about receiving the full benefits of mouthwash should consult the primary professional organization for dentists.
A mouthwash is a flavored liquid that people use to rinse out their mouths before or after brushing their teeth. Some individuals may also rinse with mouthwash between brushing, particularly after eating foods that may cause a person to have bad breath. Mouthwash advertising campaigns typically emphasize the treatment and prevention of halitosis as one of the many benefits of mouthwash. While mouthwash can be effective at combating bad breath, it may not work well in people who have bad breath as a result of sinus problems, dental decay, or digestive issues.


Friday, November 15, 2013


What Causes Tooth Decay?
Several specific types of bacteria that live on the teeth cause decay. When carbohydrate is consumed, the bacteria metabolize (digest) the complex or simple sugar and then excrete acids that dissolve the teeth and cause an infection in the tooth. This infection is called decay.

What Is Early Childhood Tooth Decay?
Babies who go to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, or juice are more likely to get tooth decay. Because the sugar in formula, milk, or juice stays in contact with the teeth for a long time during the night, the teeth can decay quickly.

*Some Tips To Avoid Early Childhood Tooth Decay:
Never, ever put your child to bed with a bottle and if breast feeding, stop nursing once your child is asleep.

Do not give your infant, or child, or yourself a bedtime snack or drink (except water) for at least 1 hour before bedtime. Chewable or liquid medicines or vitamins taken within 1 hour of bedtime can destroy teeth too. (Sometimes 80% sugar content)

Do not to let your child walk around using a bottle of milk or juice as a pacifier. The same holds true with a sippy or junior cup. No "grazing". Mealtime or designated "snacktime" only. Only "graze" on Water.

Plan to stop using a bottle by 12 to 14 months at the latest.
Don't dip your child's pacifier in honey or sugar.

What Is Fluoride?
Fluoride helps make teeth strong and prevents tooth decay. If the water where you live does not have enough fluoride, your doctor may prescribe fluoride supplements (fluoride drops or pills). You would give these drops or pills every day, starting when your child is about six months old. Children should take these drops or pills until they are 12 to 16 years old (or until you move to an area with fluoride in the water).

Website - www.32gemsdentalclinic.com

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Diwali to all..................


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Did you know...
Some acids in fizzy drinks can attack tooth enamel, which causes teeth to weaken and become more cavity-prone. If you can't give them up, try following these tips to protect your teeth from the harmful effects of fizzy drinks:
1. Drink through a straw can help to minimize contact with your teeth.
2. Rinse with water after drinking to wash away any lingering sugar or acid.
3. Wait a while before brushing your teeth after drinking to reduce risk of acid-erosion.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

"Do you sometimes brush your teeth straight after eating? 
It's recommended to wait at least an hour. Since food produces plaque acids that weaken the tooth enamel, brushing at the right moment wears away the weakened enamel, and protect your teeth even stronger."


Friday, September 20, 2013


What is Single-Sitting RCT Procedure ? 
When there is an acute infection with no pus accumalation in & around the tooth, Root canal  
treatment can be completed in a single sitting.
The biggest diagnostic aid in this case is an X-ray. Which shows presence or absence of pus 
accumalation in the form of a Periapical Radioluency.
X Ray shows Periapical Radioluency. 
 The Procedure :-

First step is to open the pulp chamber to allow access to the canals.  
Once open, with help of special instruments known as files the infected nerves is removed. The  
 canals are flushed with antiseptic solution.  
The root canals are further cleaned & reshaped to free them of all debris.  
Once the canals are empty dry & clean, they are filled and sealed with biocompatible material  
 known as Gutta Purcha Points / G.P. Points  
The cavity is then filled with temporarily filling material which is then replaced with a permanent  
 filling material like composite filling.