| When there is an acute infection with no pus accumalation in & around the tooth, Root canal | | |
| treatment can be completed in a single sitting.
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| The biggest diagnostic aid in this case is an X-ray. Which shows presence or absence of pus | |
| accumalation in the form of a Periapical Radioluency.
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| X Ray shows Periapical Radioluency. | |
| | | |
| The Procedure :-
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| First step is to open the pulp chamber to allow access to the canals. | | |
| Once open, with help of special instruments known as files the infected nerves is removed. The | | |
| canals are flushed with antiseptic solution. | | |
| The root canals are further cleaned & reshaped to free them of all debris. | | |
| Once the canals are empty dry & clean, they are filled and sealed with biocompatible material | | |
| known as Gutta Purcha Points / G.P. Points | | |
| The cavity is then filled with temporarily filling material which is then replaced with a permanent | | |
| filling material like composite filling. |
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